
  • Кожбаева Г.К., Ермагамбетова А., Дінәсілова М.А.



linguistic and stylistic features, online chats, online communication, lexical and grammatical distortions, grafons, emoticons, multimedia, interactivity


This article focuses on the key content and structural aspects of written online communication in mobile applications. The relevance of the research is explained by the quantity and availability of international online communication, and, in particular, communication in English in all social and professional areas. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent forced massive transition to online education and professional communication led to the increased significance of communication apps. People spend a lot of time reading and writing messages in chats. This type of interactive communication is usually quite short, spontaneous and widespread. People of all ages, social or professional status use chats for the variety of tasks and situations, in personal and official interaction. Definitely the pandemic would have been much harder without mobile chats.

The purpose of the study is to identify key linguistic and structural features of online communication in English in mobile chats such as WhatsApp, Telegram and other popular applications. The scientific significance of the work is explained by the fact that the study of mass linguistic phenomena is the most important goal of linguistics that studies any contemporary human language. Today online communication is a vast part of a person's natural verbal activity. Linguistic features of communication on the Internet are actively penetrating into other types of communication. The scientific interest of regularities of language organization, development and functioning is assumed by practical significance of the issue: for the full-scale participation in global professional, educational and entertainment life via mobile applications one needs not only knowledge of  English language but also needs to follow accepted norms and regulations of written behavior in English-speaking chats. 

The research methodology includes an analytical review of previous papers related to the study of online communication in Internet forums and chat rooms. However, the main basis of the practical review of the problem is the linguistic and stylistic analysis of the peculiarities of written communication in mobile chats as its language has more formal features of an oral communication rather than usual correspondence (emails, forums, blogs etc). The main results of the research work: specific linguistic, stylistic features  are defined, including graphic and other semiotic aspects of the English-speaking discourse of mobile chat rooms.




