STEREOTYPES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF O.BOKEY`S HEROES (based on O. Bokey’s story “No sleep”)


  • Nakibayeva N. КазНУ им. Аль- Фараби
  • Satbekova A.
  • Yeskermessova G.
  • Otarbayeva G.



character, stereotype, psychology, inner world, psychoanalysis, unconscious, feeling, color, story


The article analyzes human psychology through phenomena in the inner world of the heroes of Oralkhan Bokey’s stories as part of doctoral dissertation on the topic «Psychological aspects in the image of the inner world of the heroes (based on the psychoanalysis of Bokeev's works)» The main goal of the article is to reveal the author's image of Oralkhan Bokey in the work, the similarities and differences between the author and the character, to create a psychological portrait of a person through the influence of the environment and society on the character. reveal the image of a person formed by a society full of stereotypes, based on the theoretical works of literary scholars and psychologists. The article sets the task of analyzing the character and actions of the hero, which he himself did not understand, from the story told by Zheniskhan, the main character of the work.  

The theoretical part of the study examines scientific works related to the work of O. Bokey; in his stories, national stereotypes characteristic of the Kazakh people are clearly visible, as well as how stereotypes directly and indirectly affect the character of a person and change human psychology.        The details of the story - the main character's complexion, the word said by the neighbor, the sigh of the wife, etc. - are caused by the stereotypical thinking of the main character, and the unconscious pressure of society is reflected in the inner world of the character's thoughts.                   The method of psychoanalysis was used as the methodological basis for the study, based on the works of literary scholars and psychologists. The analysis was carried out by drawing a psychological parallel between the author and the character.




