
  • Mamyt A.A.



heroic epic, historical song, plot, narration, version, storyteller, Kazakh folklore


The article examines the features of such most famous works of the Kazakh heroic epic as "Alpamys Batyr", "Kobylandy Batyr", "Er Targyn", "Kambar Batyr", the events in which are described primarily from the point of view of historical significance, significance for the whole country. The goal is to describe the patterns characteristic of the heroic epic, the peculiarities of the plot lines, the history of the recording and distribution of works. The idea of work is to show not only the general patterns inherent in the genre of heroic epic, but also indicating the place of each of the heroic songs in the oral folk art of Kazakhs.

Scientific research has scientific and practical significance. The scientific significance lies in the integral theoretical perception of works of one genre, in indicating the place of each work in the oral work of the Kazakh people. Practical significance in the possibility of using the conclusions of the work in the practice of teaching literature at school and university, in teaching the history of the people, in teaching textual criticism.

The work is devoted to literary, historical, chronological, textological analyzes of the texts of heroic songs, recorded at different times from different people, from different sources, as well as published at a later time. Based on the analysis of the works of the heroic epic not only of the Kazakh people, but also of other peoples of Central Asia, Russia and other peoples, conclusions are drawn about the commonality of storylines, the reflection of the same historical and cultural events. To confirm certain provisions of the work, the author provides statistical data.

Each heroic song is examined in detail in the article. For example, referring to the epic about Koblandy, the author dwells on such problems as: the existence of many varieties of "Koblandy", it says about 29 versions of the song about Koblandy; the beginning of the legendary plot, which dates back to the times of the Oguz-Kipchak dynasty. It is believed that the plot is based on the long-standing relationship between the Kipchaks and Kyzylbas, the cruelty of Kyzylbas towards the Kipchaks. The main narrative line is built on such heroic battles.

The question is also being resolved whether Kobylandy batyr is a historical figure or a fictional character. It is concluded that the song "Kobylandy Batyr" was born as a clan epic and gradually turned into a folk song.

The same detailed information is given regarding other works "Alpamys batyr", "Er Targyn", "Kambar batyr"




