
  • Kembayeva A.T. КазГУ имени аль-Фараби
  • Zhubai O.S.



concept, cognitive model, Kazakh people, nation, frame, lexical unit, cognitive linguistics, national cognition, concept type


The inner spiritual world and national identity of any nation are reflected in its linguistic character. Consequently, studying the concepts of national character, we learn the history, worldview, culture of this nation. In the course of studying the concept Kazakh people the aim was set to determine the sequence of world outlook attitudes and positions characteristic of our people and the cognitive model of the concept reflecting the psychological specificity of our nation. In order to reveal the content of the concept Kazakh people the work on analysing the texts of works, content concepts reflecting mentality and culture, expressing ethnic stereotypes and cognition of the nation in the cognitive direction was carried out. In particular, in accordance with the main idea of the research work, the cognitive model of the concept Kazakh people was determined on the basis of the works of the writer Sherkhan Murtaza.

In the course of the research, the task was set to address specific examples, methods of selection, lexical analysis, generalisation, interpretation of text points were applied. The concept, which became the object of the research, was reflected in the writer's work in various typical forms. Therefore, stereotypical, associative, semantic signs and symbols revealing the meaning of the concept were selected from the text and analysed in contextual and content character of interconnection and accretion.

The Kazakh people's characteristic behaviours, customs, worldviews, ethnic features, even traditional customs of the nation, image, history, and the idea of life in Kazakh cognition are all reflected in one concept Kazakh people. The research work carried out the processes of systematic selection of thought drawings from each branch of the artwork, finding its form, analysing it. This determined the possibility of recognising the main result, i.e. the cognitive model of the concept Kazakh people on specific examples. According to the results of the study, on the basis of the text of Sherkhan Murtaza's work, the cognitive model of the concept Kazakh people was determined, and its functions were analysed. Textual items denoting Kazakh cognition are differentiated in symbolic, semantic character. The practical analysis carried out during the research revealed the value of the work in the field of linguistics.

The results of the research work, i.e. determination of the cognitive model of the concept Kazakh people on the basis of linguistic units of the artwork, clarification of the conceptual character of the author's thought pictures and Kazakh point of view, world outlook position stated in the text, selection, analysis of examples, clarification of substantial, conceptual features, clarified its scientific and practical value.




