
  • Zhussubalina Zh.M. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • Tleuberdiev B.M.



borrowed words, Anglicisms and their types, vocabulary, modern texts, lexical exercises, expanding horizons, media text, linguodidactic material, extralinguistic reasons for borrowings


Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of modern borrowed words from English to Kazakh, acquaintance with Anglicisms in order to expand the vocabulary and horizons of students. The authors reflected the current trends in the language, considered the types of Anglicisms and their groups. Special attention is paid to the selection of modern texts for conducting a productive educational process with students, arousing interest in the topic being studied and creating lexical exercises that stimulate further study of modern English. The linguistic and extralinguistic causes of lexical units in the process of introduction are studied and numerous examples of Anglicisms that have entered the language are given. In higher educational institutions, the issues of teaching Anglicisms that have entered the language are relevant. According to the criterion of development, three groups of Anglicisms are defined. As an example, the linguodidactic aspects of teaching Anglicism in foreign language lessons by means of media texts and lexical exercises are proposed.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the speech habits of young people there is a process of changing the language using a large number of borrowed words.

The purpose of the study is to study the authenticity of Anglicisms that penetrate into the Kazakh language, and to teach their correct meaning through linguodidactic materials.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the proposed linguodidactic material can be used as a sample for creating similar tasks and exercises on media texts in other textbooks.

The practical value of the research lies in the fact that the results of the work can be used in humanitarian universities by teachers and students in such disciplines as Lexicology, Terminology.

The empirical part of the study consists in a theoretical and descriptive analysis of the works of domestic and foreign linguists (the causes, classifications and distribution of Anglicisms are considered) and, as a consequence, in the presentation of linguistic didactic material.

According to the results of the study, 5 different exercises were compiled for understanding and defining Anglicisms in authentic media texts.




