
  • Ashimbayeva N.M. КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
  • Shulenbaev N.K.
  • Zhampeiis K.M.



terminology, term formation, model, morphological word formation, definitional analysis, terminological system, root word, international term


This article is devoted to the study, analysis and description of the basic techniques, models of terminology in the Kazakh language. The relevance of the problem under consideration can be expressed by the following factors: activation of comprehensive consideration of the issues of Kazakh terminology, term formation, terminography, etc.; lack of research papers reflecting the diversity of approaches and models of term formation; the need for a comprehensive linguistic study of new and commonly used terms in connection with the political and social changes taking place in the life of society; to show the most complicated characterization of term-forming methods and models. The object of the article is the main term-forming methods and models in the Kazakh language, their productivity and unproductivity, features of use, functioning, etc. As the material of the article, terminological units sorted from industry terminological dictionaries (socio-political, social and historical, etc.) were taken as the basis. The main purpose of the work is to analyze and describe the main term-forming methods and models of the Kazakh language based on language units. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified: analysis of the main term-forming methods and models of socio-political, social and historical terms, borrowed terms; description of functional and usage features; definition of the main features of borrowed and national terms. The most productive ways of terminological system of political, social, historical branches considered by us are: terminization, acceptance of terms from other terminological systems, connection of suffixes and formation of terminological expressions, etc. In the comparative part of the study of terminological models (based on the material of еnglish, russian, kazakh languages), the most frequent ways of transmitting international terms are revealed. In modern terminology, terms are considered from the point of view of morphological, word-formation, semantic, etc. approaches. In this regard, a term-forming analysis of terms was carried out, where terminological units, international terms related to the socio-political, social and historical spheres were mainly analyzed, based on the methods and techniques of their formation. The main processes of formation of new terms in term systems are defined, which contributes to the systematization of the process of development of the terminological base in this system and facilitates the translation of terms into Latin graphics. The following models of term formation are shown: root basis - root basis; complex interlinguisms; basic affixal ways of transmitting international terms. The most frequent cases of phonomorphological adaptation of international terms in the Russian language and their subsequent use in the Kazakh language are established.






