
  • Mustagaliyeva G.S. Х.Досмухамедов атындағы Атырау университеті
  • Amangaziyeva M.K.
  • Khairzhanova A.Kh.




new words, text, individual reading, assimilation, reading diary, vocabulary, additional literature, reading technique


Independent reading approach is, first of all, completion of the student's vocabulary and mastery of grammatical constructions, control of the level of proficiency in the means of developing reading techniques and understanding the text, as well as the level of formation of pronunciation and rhythmic-intonation skills. Comprehension reading of the main content is aimed at the general content and implies that the reader has his own internal attitude to understanding the main text of the content.
These methods are based on reading many texts, books and absorbing unfamiliar words and grammatical structures by consciousness. The purpose and product of learning as a communicative activity is the perception, understanding and interpretation of facts, ideas and cultural meanings. Differentiation of types of reading is based on communicative tasks that are associated with the further use of a foreign language text.
All types of training are interrelated and complement each other, therefore, the use of various types of training acts as a means of realizing the goal of learning a foreign language. In this regard, the article examines the rationale for the implementation of individual reading at home of literary texts, short stories related to the English lesson, and tells how to combine written work with reading using a reading diary (also known as a reading journal or reading register), understand the text, read and replenish your vocabulary with new words.
Additionally, along with analysis and focusing on some approaches and methods in self-study, such issues as a brief description of the general problem, highlighting special details, comparison, mutual assistance, completion of summing up, notes, mastering new words, sketches and introspection and self-assessment are considered. A review of the works of various authors-methodologists to identify the features of self-study of the language.
To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: methodological analysis, psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic, their systematization, classification, synthesis.
These methods are based on reading texts, books and absorbing unknown words and grammatical structures by consciousness.
As a research result, we conclude that independent reading of English texts provides students with information from different spheres of life, develops the mind, strengthens feelings, that is, educates and develops. Additional literature reading at home with the help of specific instructions and goals will allow language teachers to fully use the results of our research work in their lessons, which will allow them to achieve concrete results.




