Kazakh literature of the early twentieth century, continuity of traditions, consonance, poetry of zhyrau, oral folk art, artistic features, visual means, national expression, labor value, poverty, laziness, idlenessAbstract
The article examines the continuity of traditions in the poetry of Mashkhur Zhussip Kopeev. The purpose of the article is to analyze previously unexplored works, to consider the role of the poet and his works, to differentiate the works from the point of view of modernity. Earlier, Professor K. P. Zhusup in his research investigated the harmony between the great poet Abai and Mashkhur Zhussip, M. N.Baratova-traditions in the poet's poems, style, imagery, continuity and essence of traditions, E. K. Zhusupov-Eastern literary tradition. Without repeating the issues raised in these works, the differentiation of abstained, unspoken testifies to the relevance of the article. In particular, the issues of the value of labor, poverty, laziness are analyzed.
The idea of scientific research is to comprehensively disclose the study of the problem of poverty, the value of labor in the works of Mashkhur Zhussip.
A person's ability to work, overcoming oneself, self-education, thereby avoiding obstacles leading to poverty, reflect the practical and educational significance of the study.
During the analysis, it was proved that Mashkhur Zhussip Kopeev, who developed the best examples of folk literature in his work, is one of the poets who firmly adhered to the continuation of tradition and rationally applied it in his work, but managed to leave his mark without repeating prehistoric traditions. The article discusses the issues of continuity of traditions and literature of the early twentieth century, Zhyrau poetry, the connection between folk oral literature, harmony. In particular, the poet's works were compared with samples of oral literature, the works of Shal Akin, Shakarim, Abai, the continuity of traditions (the theme of poverty) and originality were revealed. As a result, it was proved that it was possible to raise the value of labor, the problem of poverty to such a cult level as Abai, Shakarim. The value of the research lies in the fact that Mashkhur Zhussip, being a religious and educational poet, examines the problems of labor value, poverty from the point of view of lust and brings his words to literature. The words found in the poet's works have not yet lost their value as proverbs. The scientific results and conclusions of the study can also be used in the courses «Mashkhurtanu», in the lessons of «local history», in the discipline «literature of the early twentieth century» and «general theory of literature».
The work on the comparison, survey, systematization of the works of Mashkhur Zhussip and zhyrau, Abai, Shakarim, folk oral literature was carried out.