
  • G.S. Obaeva
  • M.R. Baltymova



Folklor, archetype, folklore inclusion, epic drama, tradition, conflict, epos, Kazakh dramaturgy


This article systematizes the historiography of the connection between two artistic systems (folklore and literature) in a theoretical aspect, and also analyzes the place of the folklore theme in the artistic world of dramaturgy of the classic of Kazakh literature Gabit Musrepov and its origins. The nature of the transformation of folklore models within the framework of the laws of literary science is considered. Based on the problems of folklore and written literature, folklore and the creative tradition of individual poets-writers, the goal is to determine the folklore basis of the work of the writer Gabit Musrepov and the beginning of his writing skills. First of all, the main important conditions of the theoretical provisions of the problem we are discussing were determined on the basis of scientific achievements and the experience of theoretical scientists on the significance of the connection between folklore and literature in the process of artistic development.

It is proved that the epic tradition in Kazakh dramaturgy began with the work of M. Auezov and the skill of G. Musrepov, who continued it, was the only starting point and prerequisite for the formation of this genre as a classic. His mastery of turning the folklore epic into drama is studied, while maintaining the legitimacy of the genre, giving the ideological understanding of the images that have been entrenched in the Kazakh concept for many centuries and the whole work a completely different character, and thereby causing the relevance of folklore as a contribution to the professional culture of the century. The fact that the beginning of the writer's use of a far-fetched folklore theme in the genre of drama was his school of skill is investigated. The playwright skillfully uses all the methods of folklore necessary for dramaturgy, turning the classical epic into a classical drama. The secret of the playwright's skill in reproducing the paradigm of the cultural phenomenon of the nation is revealed, and not just copying onto the stage the data of the daily life of society in whole or in part. All this determines the scientific significance of the article.

When studying the topic, methods of collection, systematization, analysis, comparison were used. The conclusions of the article can be used in conducting research, conducting elective courses in literature and folklore.




