
  • E.A. K‬emelbekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • G.K‬h. B‬uharova Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah




n‬ational c‬ode o‬f c‬ulture, a‬rchetype, s‬pace, w‬orldview, y‬urt, h‬ouse, c‬oncept, nomad


This study is devoted, on the one hand, to the study of primary sources about the yurt in order to understand the original semantic cultural codes, on the other - the interpretation of its geometric shapes and parameters, its perception in space. The article analyzes the ethnocultural specificity of the category of spatiality in the Kazakh language. The anthropocentricity of spatial relations in the Kazakh linguistic picture of the world is confirmed by the use of the names of yurt parts to denote directions or locations of parts of objects. In the article, the authors use the concept of "culture code" to describe the relationship between language and ethnic culture, language and thinking. The authors consider the problem of the national code of culture, one of the currently relevant concepts for the humanities disciplines that study the state of culture in modern society. Various definitions of the national code of culture are given, indicating the complexity of this concept. To create the most complete picture of the phenomenon under study, the article analyzes the linguoculturological component of the concept and archetype "house" in Kazakh culture. The study of the semantics of geometrical spatial parametrization of the yurt in this paper reflects the matrix of nomadic archetypal thinking (consciousness).

The aspect of the analysis of the yurt as an object of archetypal culture and its consideration with the traditional location of nomads in space was chosen as the task of the study.

The methodological basis of the research stated in the title of the topic are the following concepts:

  1. The earthly world of Man is an archetypal repetition of the heavenly (the sacred nature of the Deity).
  2. The yurt and its space is an Imago mundi – an image of the nomads' universe mediated by the peculiarities of the nomads' worldview. The yurt is a symbol of the vital tradition of the people.

The methods and techniques of component analysis to establish the semantic structure of nominative units denoting position in space, inductive and deductive, descriptive methods using the techniques of interpretation, comparison and generalisation were used in this work.

The subject of our research is linguistic units with spatial semantics in the Kazakh language.

Ethnographic, culturological, linguistic, philosophical works of foreign and Kazakh scientists on the problem under study, considering from the perspective of semiotics and semantics, served as the material for analysis. Also, the etymological dictionary of Fasmer, Kazakh explanatory dictionary, ancient Turkic dictionary, Kazakh proverbs and sayings were used in the work.




