luminaries of Russian studies, friendship, education, professionals, the study of the Russian language, sincere generosity, beloved teacher, the development of scienceAbstract
The article is devoted to the luminaries of Russian studies, great experts in the Russian word, teachers who educated worthy students, professors Lev Avrumovich Sheiman (Kyrgyzstan) and Moisei Mikhailovich Kopylenko (Kazakhstan).
Great philologists, propagandists of the Russian language, they lived a fascinating life, earned the respect of their contemporaries and descendants, and managed to carry friendship through their lives, supporting and mutually enriching each other. Both came from Odessa to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, devotedly served the cause of education and upbringing of the new generation.
Scientists managed to develop science to a new level. L.A. Sheiman did a lot to study the work of A.S. Pushkin in Kyrgyzstan. He was the author of classic articles about the poet’s work, one of the authors of the book “Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and other people of the East in the world of Pushkin. Essays” [1] (co-authored with G. U. Soronkulov). L.A. Sheiman is the creator and editor of the journal "Russian Language and Literature in the Kyrgyz School", which he led for fifty-one years. Professor M.M. Kopylenko is a prominent scientist, specialist in the development of general and Russian linguistics, comparative linguistics, and phraseology.
A polyglot who spoke a dozen languages, including classical ones, organized teaching languages (ancient Greek and Latin) in scientific circles; the scientist also initiated the publication of scientific journals in Kazakhstan.“The road will be mastered by the walking one” - the motto of M.M. Kopylenko became a guiding light for his associates and students.
The scientific significance of the article lies in a certain contribution to the history of Russian linguistics, to the development of questions about the role of personalities in linguistics. The practical significance of the work is that the conclusions of the analysis can be used in teaching the course of the history of linguistics, in various special courses and seminars on the history of Russian linguistics, in the creation of reference books and encyclopedias dedicated to great philologists, etc. The work uses a predominantly descriptive research method , as well as methods of observation, analysis and synthesis.