
  • Demeubekova K.K.



lexico-phraseological compatibility, society, perception, translation, background knowledge, language, cultural information


The main purpose of the scientific article is to describe the possibilities of expressing phraseological units of national and cultural semantics. As the research material, a fairly large speech material of phraseological units from the Kazakh, Russian and English languages is given. Methods such as descriptive with elements of comparative analysis are used, a diachronic approach to the description of speech material is implemented. The factors that determine the national originality of phraseological units are considered, including: the origin of phraseological units, that is, their connection with specific historical events, customs, rituals, everyday attitudes, social way of life, etc.

Special attention is paid to lexico-phraseological compatibility, which is also specific to each language. The author expresses the idea that in order to understand the phraseological units of another language, to perceive them correctly, you need to have background knowledge. Background knowledge, being the basis of linguistic communication, is necessary for an adequate understanding of stable combinations in speech. Knowledge of the history of the origin of phraseological units facilitates their understanding and carries cultural information about the world, society.

It is the background knowledge that helps to overcome the difficulties in the perception of phraseological units: their literal understanding, translation errors, various communication failures associated with phraseological units

The results of the study are a description of the semantic features of many phraseological units of different languages, providing additional information that allows to adequately understand the meaning of these linguistic units, which is a certain contribution to the description of the phraseological semantics of a particular language. The conclusions made in the article can be useful in school, university practice in teaching Russian in a non-Russian audience, Kazakh in a non-Kazakh audience, in the practice of translation.

The conclusions of the work acquire special significance in the context of the existing bilingualism in Kazakhstan. Carrying out intercultural communication, speakers of a particular language will achieve success if they are aware of the various semantic and cultural features of phraseological units. The article confirms the idea that the best means of understanding the culture of a particular people is language, in particular phraseological units, which are the specific wealth of each nation.




