national cognition, concept, linguistic picture of the world, gender linguistics, macroconcept, microconcept, anthropogenicAbstract
One of the topics of gender linguistics that needs to be studied today is the concept of "kyz". The purpose of the article is to determine the role and place of girls in the life of society, national culture, the linguistic data characterizing it in the linguocultural direction, to explain the lexico-semantic, conceptual content of the concept "kyz" in the context of the subject level of knowledge. It is known that the anthropogenic orientation of language learning is directly related to the linguistic factor of a person in linguistics, with the problem of language functioning to a person, with the disclosure of human nature through language. The proposed article analyzes the gender concept of "kyz" and the formed conclusions on this issue. The purpose of the article is to study the gender concept of "kyz" in Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar languages, to identify common units for three languages. The scientific significance of the article is expressed in the mutual comparison of theoretical conclusions related to the gender concept of "kyz" and justification at the practical level by analyzing data. The analysis of the problems raised in the article was based on the research and conclusions of Russian and Kazakh scientists. The research was carried out by the method of linguistic analysis of the text, methods of descriptive, semantic, ethnolinguistic, cognitive analysis, systematization, grouping from a diachronic-synchronous point of view. In the main conclusion of the article, a specific example of the gender concept of "kyz" was explained.
The value of the article is determined by the fact that the content and main conclusions of the article can serve as material for research in the field of gender linguistics. Practical significance is associated with the demonstration of samples of analysis, the identification of common units of the Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh languages. The article summarizes phraseological units and proverbs used in the Tatar, Kazakh, Bashkir languages related to the concept of "kyz", analyzes their attitude to national cognition.