
  • Akysh N. КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана»
  • Akysh B.



continuity of traditio, formation, patriotism, national identity, artistic factor, tendency, exaltation, analysis, rhetoric, realist viewpoint, text, dynamics, motive, situation, typology, space


In this article, the expansion over the years of the thematic scope and artistic range of Kazakh children's prose, as well as the increase in the number of artistic means used in it, is thoroughly discussed. The purpose of the article is to show the decline of intergenerational continuity in writing.Today, among young children's writers there are some who are not familiar with representatives of the previous wave, let alone readers. It is known that in literature there is a concept of continuity of traditions. The urge to erase the preceding chronicle, the continuity of tradition is not visionary of our young people who want to write something new. Scientifically validating the purpose of the article, provide a reason for reflection for those who work in this field and help them with their work in the future. Therefore, considering that it would be right to single out individual representatives of the previous generation, a partial comprehensive analysis is proposed.

Over these thirty years, the prominent figures of Kazakh children's prose RozaAbilkadyrova, TurdakynZheksenbai, NurdauletAqysh, PernebaiDuisenbin, Shaken Kumisbaiuly, NarbinKenzhegulova, BeisenbaiSuleimenov, TolymbekAbdirayym, ZhetkergenAbdireev, DildarMamyrbai, KanatKayym, BolatUsenbai, Kayym-MunarTabei, SabyrbekOlzhabai, AlibekFaizullauly, AisaKhamzin, SabitDuisenbiev, DuisenMagulumov, KenesOrazbek and others introduced their new piecesto readers. Also, BayangaliAlimzhanov, YesinaliErali, MahmutbaiAmireuly, NagashibaiMukatov, SauleDoszhan, TolybaiAbylayev, RayhanMazhenova, KosemaliSattibai, ZiraNauryzbaeva, YeseiZhenisuly, BagdatAitmukaeva, Nurlan Kalka and otherwriters, who presented themselves through their excellent works in the years of independence,write in other areas besides children's literature.

They were followed by AlmatIsadil, MeyiramkulZhanbyrbaeva, AltynaiAmangeldi, MukhametkaliKalmakhanbet, BeybitSarybai, GalymbekKanibekuly, Zh. Kenzhaliyev, AlibekBaybol, YeldosToktarbai, ZaureTorekhan, MeyirzhanZhylkybai, YernurSeydakhmet, GulzhanAmankeldykyzy, EsbolatAidabosyn, Nurlan Kumar, Adina Zhusip, AidarbekBaylda, Marat Kulibayuly, NursilaOspanova, Kokbori Mubarak (these are only those whose work distinguished themselves for us) and other young writers. They are gradually becoming major figures in children's literature. We hope that they have the potential to create valuable works in the future. They are producing works in a wide range of genres that reflect our national identity.Almost all of these works sought to describe the reality and innocence of children's lives through various stories. The novelty of the research work lies in the analysis of events in the lives of children, guided by the principles of literary studies.

In contemporary Kazakh literary studies, the very raising of the problem of intergenerational continuity is of value.                                                                              




