
  • Z.U. Chulakova НАО "ЕНУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева"
  • E.A. Zhuravlyova НАО "ЕНУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева"



branding, brand, brand name, naming, commercial nomination, linguistic aspect, extralinguistic aspect, brand name functions, brand name types


The article discusses the basics of the formation of brand names in linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. The research material was the names of clothing brands of Kazakhstani manufacturers. The interpretation of the term brand as an object of linguistic research is presented, the functions of brand names as a type of commercial nomination are identified and considered: nominative, informative, differentiating, aesthetic, influential, attractive. Particular attention is paid to the types of brand names and their classification is proposed according to several principles: by structure, by degree of expression, by origin, by degree of formality, by degree of motivation. The authors use the method of linguistic modeling, the descriptive method, the hypothetical-inductive method, as well as the method of analysis and synthesis of the material.

The analysis of the lexical material made it possible to differentiate linguistic factors that have a decisive impact on the process of brand name formation, including phonetic, graphic, lexical, stylistic, semantic and morphological aspects. Among the extralinguistic factors, cultural context, competitive environment, target audience, peculiarities of national character, purpose and pragmatics were identified. The conclusions of experts were studied and summarized, that also allowed to identify and analyze methods of creating the brand names, including various linguistic means such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyme, acronym, neologism, the use of foreign language vocabulary. At the same time, methods of forming names were studied, among which the most frequent were the nomination according to the anthropological criterion, as well as the use of Kazakh vocabulary, neologisms and foreign words. Analysis and interpretation of the factual material in the sociolinguistic aspect made it possible to identify language units that represent the processes taking place in modern society: the revival of public interest in national culture and language, the strengthening of the position of the state language, the involvement of Kazakhstani society in the processes of globalization.

The scientific significance of the work is due to the fact that such studies have not yet been conducted in Kazakhstan and in the current conditions of the transformation of Kazakhstani society, the results of this work can theoretically be used in conducting research in the field of sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology, and also serve as a practical guide for specialists in the field of naming and branding.




