design of the list of references in Latin (References)

  1. The list of References is given in a completely separate block, repeating the list of references to the Kazakh-speaking/Russian-speaking part, regardless of regardless of whether or not there are foreign sources in it.
  2. If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in References
  3. The number of pages ("p") must be specified in the publication output. For articles, a page range is indicated (pp. 57-43).
  4. For Kazakh-language/Russian-language articles from journals and other periodicals, the following structure of the bibliographic reference is recommended: authors (transliteration), transliteration of the title of the journal/literature, translation of the title in brackets: article, title of the journal or collection into English.


Preparing links using the automatic transliteration program

  1. Transliteration from Kazakh to Latin is presented below «Қазақ тілінің бекітілген латынша жаңа әліпбиі».
  2. Conversion from Cyrillic letters to the Latin letter of the Kazakh text can be applied using the Online Converter program on the website

  1. Transliteration of the Russian text to the Latin is provided using the Online Converter program on the website
    • Open the Translit program and select the BSI system option.
    • Insert the full  authors’ name and the journal, publisher in Russian into a special field then click the button "translit".
    • Copy the transliterated text into the prepared References.
    • Translate the title of the article and journal, collection into English and insert it into the prepared list.


Make out the link in accordance with the rules.



Reference List


One - three authors


Худяков А.И. Дискуссионные вопросы предмета финансового права // Финансовое право – 2019. – № 3. – С. 2-8

Khudyakov A.I. Diskussionnye voprosy predmeta finansovogo prava (Disputable issues of the object of financial law), Finansovoe pravo, 2019, No. 3, pp. 2-8.

Холна П.М., Филипс Н., Лоуренс Т. Искусство корпоративной забывчивости // Секрет фирмы. – 2014. - №7. – С. 18-23

Kholan P.M., Filips N., Lourens T. Isskusstvo korporativnoi zabyvchivosti (Art of corporate forgetfulness), Sekret firmy, 2014, No. 7, pp. 18-23

Four or more authors

If the number of authors is more than four, and not all of them are listed in the Kazakh / Russian version of the description (written, etc.), then in the transliterated version it is necessary to indicate all authors


Разработка модели инновационного управления образовательным процессом / Т.В. Крамин, М.В. Крамин, Е.А. Петрова и др. // актуальные проблемы экономики и права. – 2018. - № 3. – С. 43-52

Razrabotka modeli innovatsionnogo upravleniya obrazovatel'nym protsessom (Elaboration of the model of innovative management of educational process), T.V. Kramin, M.V. Kramin, E.A. Petrova, L.V. Vorontsova. Aktula'nye problemy ekonomiki i prava. – 2018. – No 3. – pp. 43-52

Foreign sources (cited unchanged)


Rennings K., Rammer Ch., Oberndorfer U., Instrumente zurForderung von Umweltinnovationen: Bestandsaufnahme, Bewertung und Defizitanalyse, Umweltbundesamt, 2018, pp. 4-7.


Utterback J., Abernathy W. A Dynamic Model of Product and rocess Innovation, Omega, 2018, vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 639-656