THE IMAGE OF KAZAKH ZOO-PHRASEOLOGISMS IN TRANSLATION (on the basis of novel “The Nomads” by I. Esenberlin in Kazakh, Russian and English languages)


  • Mulkamanova A.Zh. Актюбинский региональный университет им.К.Жубанова
  • Karagulova B.S.
  • Arebayev G.T.



phraseologism, ethnocultural phraseologisms, phraseological analogue, full phraseological equivalent, comparative phraseological equivalent, replication, descriptive translation, zoophraseologism


The article considers the translation problems of zoo-phraseologisms of Kazakh language. The translation problem is an actual and complex theme and translation of phraseological units is an interesting task which needs special creativity. The main objective of a translator is to find phraseologism in a sentence and distinguish its ethocultural peculiarities and translation of such a phraseological unit keeping their national features is a rather complicated problem. That is why the actuality and the importance of the given article group with these problems. Phraseological units of ethnocultural character does not replicate in the second language, and cannot be found in dictionaries. Therefore the scientific novelty of the article is the identification and analysis of translation methods of phraseological units of ethnocultural character which describe the culture, lifestyle and worldview of definite people.

The article aims to make definite conclusions according to the results of research work by analyzing the methods of translating phraseological units appropriate to the definite nation, defining the failures and successes of translation.

The translation methods of Kazakh phraseologisms into Russian and English languages are compared and analysed on the basis of the trilogy “The Nomads” by I. Essenberlin. Using the phraseologisms with zoo-component as the main material, the ways of translation (comparative, descriptive methods) were analysed. The meaning of them can be different while translating into other language, and so translators should try to keep the meaning of the word combination correctly or find the right analogue to make the reader understand the translated phrasal combination. The practical significance of the research with scientific value can be used at the courses of Lexicology, Phraseology, The theory and practice of translation, and as the lexical material in subjects as Linguocultorology and Linguistic analysis of literary texts and to compile dictionaries in higher education institutes.




