anthroponomy, bilingualism, intercultural communication, worldview, personal names, culture, informal personal names, multilingual environmentAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of naming in the bilingual and multilingual surroundings of the modern world. Learning a non-native language based on personal names is a useful practice of interpersonal and intercultural communication, as they reflect traditions, beliefs and historical and cultural context, as well as the influence of migration processes. This impact preserves the cultural codes of the people, which is reflected in everyday communication and learning, and is reflected in educational and scientific literature. The aim is to analyze the formation and functioning of a bicultural personality through the prism of personal names in modern conditions of bi-multilingual education. The relevance of the topic is due to migration processes, academic mobility, which affect cultural and linguistic identity through a personal name. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the development of conceptual foundations for the study of bicultural personality and the application of the results in teaching the Russian language and intercultural communication.
The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying the specific characteristics of personal names as markers of bicultural identity, and the importance of their correct use in various texts and communication situations. For the first time, a comprehensive study of personal names in the context of biculturalism is being conducted, which helps to better understand the processes of formation of cultural identity and adaptation of students who have moved from different regions and countries to Kazakhstan. The research methods and material are based on an integrated approach, including the analysis and synthesis of theoretical material, the study of scientific literature on the topic and the extraction of units of anthroponomy from various sources. The sociolinguistic analysis of personal names was used in focus groups and is based on an analysis of the characteristics of various socio-cultural contexts. Qualitative research methods included semi-formal interviews and focus groups with representatives of various ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan in order to identify students' ideas about cultural identity and the role of personal names. The research materials were the units of anthroponomy extracted from school textbooks on the Russian language and literature, educational materials and lexicographic sources. Scientific publications and monographs have provided a theoretical framework and context for data analysis. All this allowed the authors to provide a comprehensive understanding of the process of formation of a bicultural personality and the role of personal names in this process in the multinational society of Kazakhstan.