communication, indirect communication, implicitness, speech acts, indirectness, addressor, intentionAbstract
Abstract. This article is devoted to the phenomenon of studying indirect communication. A brief review of the authors involved in this issue is presented. Also three types of indirect communication are applied, which are indirect communication, indirect message, indirect influence.
In this work, as a basis, the definition proposed by V.V. Dementiev is used. Indirect communication is understood as meaningfully complicated communication, in which the understanding of the statement includes meanings that are not contained in the statement itself, and requires additional interpretive efforts from the addressee.
It is important to note that the language performs three important social functions: communication, message and influence (V.V. Vinogradov). Therefore, to implement these functions, three types of indirect communication are used, such as indirect communication, indirect message and indirect influence.
The relevance of this study and its scientific novelty is justified by the increasing interest in this issue at the interdisciplinary level and an attempt to combine the views of representatives of different branches of knowledge on the problem of indirect communication. A wide play on the aspects of indirect communication, indirect message and indirect influence makes the language material reliable highly informative for the study of indirect communication.
The purpose of this publication is to determine the extent of research into the theory of indirect communication in linguistic science.
The study of indirect communication leads to such general philosophical problems as the origin and essence of language, human knowledge of the world. From this it should be concluded that there are many meanings that are implicitly conveyed by speech units of various levels.
It can be stated that the diverse forms of indirect communication allow addressees to realize various kinds of communicative intentions by characterizing it as a universal form of communication, which predetermines further prospects for theoretical research in this area.
Key words: indirect communication, implicitness, indirect influence, indirect communication, indirect message, indirectness, indirect speech acts.