
  • A. Salkynbay Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. Sarsenbay КазНУ имени аль-Фараби



social network, virtual communication, Internet, norm, usage, slang, written and oral speech, virtual space


Today, all phenomena that arise in society are reflected and recorded in the language. Over time, a new concept appears on the Internet, through social networks, new language units in all languages ​​of the world. This phenomenon also affects the Kazakh language. The development of IT technologies has paved the way for the strengthening of virtual communications in society. Virtual communication space replaces real communication day by day. Virtual communication has the potential to change the language norms of communication in the real world.

The article emphasizes that the main feature of communication in social networks is the replacement of a participant in virtual communication with a real participant. Scientific and practical issues of social network discourse texts are considered. The scientific views of foreign and domestic scientists expressed within the framework of the topic are given. The scientific significance of the topic is to determine the difference between the norm and the usage in the Kazakh-language social network. The social network says that texts are not a source of knowledge, they are news or entertainment in nature, respectively, they should have brief but abundant information, information in the text is transmitted not only by letter, but also by image, sound and video. They say that a style of Internet communication has appeared.

It also gives a description of the work of Professor R. Syzdyk at the beginning of the 21st century within the framework of the topic. When substantiating the language of a social network in the Kazakh language, studying applied works in world linguistics in this direction, methods of review, description, presentation, and analytical analysis are used. Examples in social networks are analyzed as a linguistic text.

The article can be used as an additional educational material in preparation for lectures and practical exercises in the discipline ""Culture of speech and language communication" in universities.

General requirements for the texts of social networks are expressed. Based on the collected material, we analyzed the linguistic (grammatical, morphological, syntactic) features of Kazakh texts in social networks, namely Facebook and WhatsApp, dividing them into ten groups and as a result came to the conclusion that the language of the social network used to save words , requires special study.




